About Young Dorset
Young Dorset has been identified by our network and a group of youngsters from different backgrounds who recently completed a 4 week summer project (National Citizen Service), specifically aimed at year 10-12 children. Whereby all those who took park (as seen on Facebook at NCS South West) engaged in learning and development activities from rock climbing, coasteering, camping, angling, canoeing, rugby, football, walking and exercise not normally available to them. Using the tacit medium of multi activities these youngsters also developed life, communication and leadership skills and went further by planning and implementing fundraising events for local charities; Helps the Hero's and the RNLI. So much so they requested to set up the Young Dorset (Charity).
These children just need a different learning
model that is personally designed i.e. activity based to re-engage them with goals and aspirations.
Young Dorset's non-threatening, non institutionalised environment utilised the tacit sport learning and development styles such as Mind Mapping to engage these children not only to be actively physically involved but developing key employability and life skills. Therefore Young Dorset will utilise its extensive skills in Business, Human Resources, Education and funding mechanisms to enable self help opportunities to benefit its young people.